I Swapan Kumar Das residing at Nabaghanti,Pukurpar,Burnpur-713325  having State Bank of India Savings bank Account No. 10xxxxxx983 was called by a person named Rahul Kumar saying that my KYC has to be updated and wanted to know my bank,ATM card, Adhaar  details. I have divulgrd the OTPs that were sent to my mobile no. 9046898469. The following amonts have been debited from my account .The details are as follows.

1.Rs 19999 on POS 470000000222940 at FX Mart Pvt.Ltd. txn# 597257

2. Rs 4999 on POS SBI BUDDY txn# JU5413149267

3. Rs 20000 on POS 000000000240754 at PayTM txn# 060617988132

I have blocked my ATM card No. 62xxxxxxxxxxxxxx762 with Ticket No. 81xxxxxxxxxxxx696


Sir, I have lost almost all my money due to my foolishness. Sir kindly help me and do the needful to recover my money.