Dear Sir,

With reference to my credit card last four digit 9185, on 03-07-2017 i got four spent SMS from axis bank as follow;

  1. INR 5000 was spent on your credit card xx9185 on 03-jul-17 at PayZapp @8:42AM
  2. INR 5000 was spent on your credit card xx9185 on 03-jul-17 at PayZapp @8:42AM
  3. INR 5000 was spent on your credit card xx9185 on 03-jul-17 at PayZapp @8:42AM
  4. INR 5000 was spent on your credit card xx9185 on 03-jul-17 at PayZapp @8:42AM

for the above fraud transaction i have not participated and i have not authorized and i did't get any call any unknown person and i did't share my card details to any one.