Hi sir ,mam , my name is Helen i paid step4guidance 12000 rupes and my friend allso har name is sheelamani we are staff nurses we have 5 years experience onday oneperson calldme your resume well selected you pay to day only 12000 rupes he told tome before i tried so many consultant s but iam not got any body s so i though they may help then ipaid moey in three instalment s my friend also paid 12000 rupes we send all document in may 2nd 2017 so many times i calld one person change the voices and talks with me he don't no about my profile he was did interview for me that time only i feel bad their cheeted me and my friend still that numbar was not work mubilnumbar 7557690757 please some body can helpme we apply for abroad job his name is abshake but i don't no his name true or not i paid money in vital business solutions only i have bank details and payd slip also please some body help me to chaise them government please don't leave them