Cyber crime, online part time job fraud

  • Last Post 05 October 2023
ShilpaShree posted this 04 October 2023

I have been contact by one person in whatsapp offered me part time job to do some simple subscription in YouTube so that will get money for each subscription they some mission to complete the task from which they pull the people to invest the money and get this returned by profit after this task once the task is compleated they will tell another subtask to complete for that you have to invest some more money they offer you will be return with this same way i lost amount now I realized that is fruadlent business .they all should be punishable

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ShilpaShree posted this 05 October 2023 Around 75640/- Weblyke means mexd invest 57000/- In Groupon mall 18640/- They all should be punishable mam Kindly help me

ShilpaShree posted this 05 October 2023

Kindly help me mam
