Cryptosg telegram fraud

  • Last Post 03 April 2024
TapasBanerjee posted this 22 March 2023

Hello earlier on 11th feb i have posted that i have lost 480000 in a telegram fraud where first i got a message in whatsapp where one person said i am hr from Mccan advertising and we have a part time job offer where you have to post google reviews in google maps and you will get paid 150 for each review. Later they add you in a grp and in that they post tasks where they say there will be 24 tasks everyday and 20 task will be free and 4 will be prepaid. In prepaid task you have first pay some amount and they will give you one link of cryptosg where you have to create one profile. They prepaid task start from 2000 and goes all the way till 199999 2000 rupess task is they say newjoinee welfare task once you take and pay same amout will show you in your cryptosg wallet and their will be one teacher who will say you to confirm this and will release this amount. Actaul game start once you take 5000 or more rupee prepaid task. They willask you to get removed from regular group and get added on one advanced task group, there they will post you will get 2-4 task once you complete all the task you will get all paid. After 5000 they ask you for 21000 once you pay this they will say merchant has released another task complete this and you will be paid full. Then they will ask next 69000 then 95000then 199000 then 235000 one time you wont have money left if u say this they will say to arrange money or if you leave in middle you wont. Get any money. Its a huge scam and its still going on, i would request if any central cyber cell people can help in this.

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SuganyaPretty posted this 22 March 2023

Am also cheated like this. Pls anyone tell me if i complain in cyber crime will i get my money back. Pls help me

ShobhaV posted this 24 March 2023

I also lost money i raise the complaint one month over no use this cyber department people are telling no money in their account

TapasBanerjee posted this 24 March 2023

Hello, I have made a complaint today with that no those who are saying they got the money back please reply within how many days of complaint you got money back ?

ravir posted this 25 March 2023

yes keerthi i to got help from cyber crime sir only

cyber crime whatsapp number 9000882760

SuganyaPretty posted this 25 March 2023

How long it takes to get back your money sir.

MohamedAly posted this 26 March 2023

how file the complaint in cyber crime website, can you explain it

MadhanRoyal posted this 26 March 2023

900882760 cyber crime WhatsApp number

TapasBanerjee posted this 05 April 2023

Dont contact that no he is also a scammer,he will say we have blocked that amount and you need to pay rbi tax to get back money but once you pay u will not get your money back and if you ask him he will say NEFT failed from bank side and all amount went back to scammers account he will ask to pay rbi tax again if you say u pay the rbi tax and once amount is credited we will pay u back he wont take your calls or reply your message this is all a scam again.

ShubhamKumar posted this 05 June 2023

I also lost 2.5Lacs , can anyone tell me if I can recover this amount and what is the process.

MohammedMaryam posted this 03 April 2024

They promised a guaranteed return on my investment but after investing my life savings, I got nothing in return. They seemed legitimate at first, but it was all a scam. I urge people to stay away from awful platforms and not risk their hard-earned money like I did. Reported a scam to Mrs. Doris Ashley.   dorisashley71 at gm a il.  co m  WhatsApp  +351   96     894    25     67 for recovery. I was glad for her services. In just  four day  they helped me recover it all .
