I have received One Normal msg from +917251873728. Amazon is urgently recruitment for part time jobs. You can earn 2000-5000Rs every day, add whatsapp wa.me.917251873728- RAM I'm just trying other part time jobs then I get this msg it will useful for me then I msg to this number . He msg me hello nice to meet you here to you learn make money online , then his asked name ,age ,what u do. Then I'm reply to you. Then he asked have you earn money online , then I said no.then just suggested tasks and Frist he gave my account 50 and he said recharge 200 and get 400. I Trusted him I will receive and he said you can earn Daily 1668 Rs memeber of Amazon .Follow the steps and earn .he said Frist recharge 1000 and recharge 1000 after the money was not return refund. I will ask he said money will be back complete the task ... I'm gone completely booked 😞😞😞😞😞... Please help me Back my money I'm suffering a lot from family 😞😞😞😞